What is Stripchat private show?

Stripchat allows you to take part in free and paid chats. There are some aspects you should understand to enjoy all shows in 100%.

For sure a private chat is the most popular show type on Stripchat. Most users prefer to go with models privately because then viewers can rule all things a model do. What are features of private chat and how to manage it?


A private chat and other Stripchat shows available for viewers

Let’s familiarize with all types of Stripchat shows that are available for users on this website. It will help you to understand if you like this website and things it offers.

All details of Stripchat private show

Being private with a model means that you're together in one room. It gives you 100% of performer's attention. But this type of chat may be spied by other users. Then these viewers can see what the model does but they can't have any influence on action (and they can't see your messages with the model). To start the private chat with the model, simply press the Start Private button.

A price range of this type of the show is 8-150 tokens per minute that means some private performances can be really expensive.

stripchat private show

How to initiate the private chat on Stripchat?

You can click a button to go private with a model from a chat window or do it by finding a Send PM button in broadcaster's profile.

You must have tokens in your balance to enjoy private time with the model. Without coins you can access only a free show but even visiting a gratis room it's advised to send tips to performers.

A CAM2CAM mode as a type of the private show on Stripchat

A CAM2CAM option is a chat that is full private, can't be spied and that is also a face-to-face communication with a broadcaster. Its price is from 8 to 150 tokens per minute.

Take into your consideration that it's advised to have some tokens in a balance to start this type of a chat. If you have coins for 2 minutes of this type of the chat or only a little more, rather don't annoy models by inviting them to private and CAM2CAm rooms.

What is Stripchat free chat?

A free show is a type of performance with no price per minute determined. It may be joined by anybody but it’s advised to leave tips in a room. Why? Because when there are no cost per minute, a model can earn only getting tips from their viewers.

When you imagine that some private chats may be even 150 coins/minute then you should appreciate that free to join shows are extremely cheap and leaving some coins as a tip is normal and obvious. Especially when you understand that these open chats aren’t worse than private shows.

How to spy on someone’s private Stripchat performance?

First of all, spying is cheaper than enjoying normal private chat. But it's more limited (and have less options even than free chats). Being a spy, you can only watch someone's show and you haven't any influence on things you can see on your screen. You're only a passive spectator.

It's quite interesting to spy someone's chat because you can feel like a real voyeur. But then you don't have binoculars but a window of a chat.

what is stripchat private show

Stripchat group shows and their options for viewers

If you have save some cash, still have an influence on action in a chat room and you don't mind other users, you can join a group show. It has a price per minute but it's rather low. Everybody can see this show but only participants can write.

A number of users may be determined as a minimum viewers who must join this chat. It depends on model's preferences.

Other Stripchat features you must know

Everything is available in a full Stripchat Review so read it if you need more details. Remember that on Stripchat there are available special deals and discounts for users and they have had also a new option recently.

What additional and new options can you find there?


The hottest deals you can use on Stripchat

Stripchat has some hot deal for its users. You can use any Stripchat Promotion you want if you fill requirements determined on the website. What is offered to viewers?

  • smaller prices with bigger packages of tokens purchased
  • an option to spy private chats of a model for free if you're a member of a fanclub of this model
  • free premium membership
  • gratis tokens in a giveaway.

In the giveaway you can get 50 Stripchat free tokens once and this contest is drawed 24 times a day every day.

A new option on Stripchat - being a member of a fan club

Now you can support a model you like and be a member of their Stripchat Fan Club that is connected with additional features and with paying a monthly subscription.

Stripchat fanclubs and their prices
Soldier Sponsorship $9.99/month
Lord Sponsorship $19.99/month
Prince Sponsorship $49.99/month

This type of subscription offers many additional content like clips, pics and even free spying of private shows of subscribed model.

But remember that on the website there is also an additional type of being a premium member, a Stripchat Ultimate membership that is also connected with special features for people who pay for it.

Offer based on regulations of the website!

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