In the entire porn industry there are many controversial topics and also some that are extremely funny. SFW porn touches both of them but in various ways.

In just one sentence, SFW pics or clips are things and content you can see in public places without worrying about anything (also other people). But as always it isn’t just that simple. If you are interested in details what SFW porn really is, just check the whole article to get the real point of this topic. Nowhere you can get as much information as on FAPdistrict!

sfw porn


NSFW and roots of SFW porn

Before SFN appeared, there had been something called NSFW. So the origins of SFN porn is based on an earlier phenomenon. What does NSFW mean? It's an acronym that means "not safe for work". It's used as a warning that shared content contains something inappropriate (something you shouldn't open in a public place). Not always it means pornography but for sure it's very often connected with that. NSFW protects a receiver from being embarrassed in public transport or restaurant or in any other place that may be "dangerous" for sent content.

Origins of NSFW and their influence on the SFW term

Having access to almost everything from the whole World, it's nice to be warned before you open any content. In the past everything was easier but with the Internet we must beware all the time. Being in the subway and having a couple of people around you, you rather don't want to have porn on your smartphone's screen.

Everything started more than 20 years ago and primal abbreviation: "NFBSK" - "not for British school kids" was shorten into NSFW and now it means things not only inappropriate for kids but also everything that shouldn't be opened among people when somebody may get offended by things you opened.

safe for work porn

What does SFW mean in porn?

There are also things that are suitable to open them anywhere you are. One of those ones is SFW - WORK-SAFE-PORN. Pics and clips made this way are various pornographic media downloaded and changed with image- or video-editing software to make it appear as if the subjects are not engaged in sexual activity. Thanks to this fellatio may look like licking a lollipop but believe that it's the simplest example because people can have almost unlimited imagination.

Everything started in 2002 and since that time the web has become full of new images and clips added into various websites. Because of the fact that these artworks are usually very funny, they have been started using in marketing, for instance.

SFW porn gaining popularity

It’s obvious that some things sell products better than others. Sex does it good but funny things also can work. So what about the combination of these 2 things?

In 2008 a company that made software for blocking porn had a campaign for their "Ishield" anti-porn software, and used work-safe porn images in ads accompanied by the tagline "gives the internet back its innocence." Also a very-known clothing company Diesel did something like this, sharing a video based on SFM. It proved that even very big companies believe that a combination of sex and humour is good.

Porn in public places - PornHub and SFW porn vs Starbucks

In 2018, Starbucks announced that they would fight with porn in public places (based on safety organisation Enough Is Enough, which launched a petition calling for it to filter porn in US outlets). What did PornHub do? They launched a new category called "Safe For Work".

"[It’s filled with] hundreds of videos with ranging topics, including adult entertainers sharing advice and experiences; compilation videos with attractive, yet clothed people; video game reviews and demonstrations; and more".

You can visit this category anytime you want because it’s still available on the website.

funny porn

Is it worth to see SFW porn content?

Do you like memes or funny clips? If you do, SFW porn is also for you. It’s hard to cum with content you can find in SFW content but sometimes you may be close to death because of laughing.

People have almost unlimited ideas and imagination so for sure you’ll be surprised and amazed by things you can see on pics or clips made based on the SFW porn idea. You shouldn’t have too serious approach to things you can find among SFW things. But if you have any sense of humour, you’ll appreciate a lot of things you can find on the web.

Where can you find SFW porn? Among memes for sure so visiting some sites with funny pictures and videos you can find adult content made full of clothes or surprising ideas. There are also special platforms on the web that offer only this type of entertainment. The most important thing is the fact that now you have already known what SFW porn is.

It means you can start looking for it or sending the best clips and pictures to others. Additionally, you’re also aware that getting any NSFW content you should consider a while before you decide to open it among other people.