When the Bible was written there weren’t platforms like PornHub or Chaturbate but people had sex too so we can find some verses that tell something about things connected with our sexuality.
People's sexuality and sexual acts appear in the Bible and there are some laws that were shared with people by God. Some of them are very stricts but in the Old Testament there are a lot of scenes that are connected with various types of sex activities and not all of them are simply and extremely condemned. It changed in the New Testament when Jesus started giving lectures. And this attitude is based Christianity now. And because of that many Christians wonder what the Bible tells about pornography, especially that theologists and priests just tell that porn is bad as if they forgot about stories from the Bible that showed not only following God's laws.
What's more - what it means to ask "What the Bible says about porn?". It means what priests tell us to do or what we can really find and read in the Bible? Some things seem to be opposite one another.
What the Bible says about pornography?
The word "pornography" is based on Greek language and 2 words: "porneia" and "graphe":
- graphe means writing and it's used to describe graph and graphic and it's connected with many later words such as photography or calligraphy
- porneia is the noun connected with the verb porneuo and they refer to immoral sexual relations like fornication, adultery or prostitution.
Taking these roots into consideration we can see that pornography means graphic display of sexually immoral acts in writing or with images. And now we can understand it even more, when we have the Internet, pics and videos with porn content. Words porneia and porneuo appear in the New Testament, they always refer to sexual sin. A married couple can have sexual relations because the God allows to them.
The question: "What does the Bible say about porn?" sounds great but the Bible doesn't answer the question and the whole problem is wider. It often leads to Christian consideration if viewing pornography or having sex is sinful or not and what is immoral for Christians.
A matter of sexual immorality according to the Bible
The Bible says that people should avoid sexual immorality. It’s outside the will of God so Christians should be free from it. At present, it is made simpler and interpreted that pre-marriage sex, masturbation, flirting, sinful thoughts and thinks like these are forbidden for Christians.
The official Christian teaching tells that there are some forbidden things Christians should avoid because they are considered as sins. But if you take the Bible to your hand and start to read, there are a lot of other things you can find and some of them are considered differently. In the Old Testament there are many acts described as sins but when people commit them, sometimes they are made unguilty if something was necessary to do. And this way these sins are smaller.
What things can you find in the Bible and how they are interpreted?
If something tells about sexual act in the Bible, it’s enough to make it interpreted not only as sex but as the love of God to their believers or the love of Jesus to his followers. And that’s everything, Christianity can find each answer they need and many conservative interpreters have done it this way for ages.
And there has been a big arue for years. There are people who look for more liberal attitude and conservative critics that say that sex is simple and limited in the Bible.
The most important thing is the fact that ancient times are different than present ones but Bible interpreters seem to not see it at all. Then husbands owned their wives, now daughters can choose their boyfriends. So simple interpretation does not always answer all questions.
In the Bible something that is forbidden may be allowed under some circumstances. It forbids prostitution, adultery, premarital sex for women, and homosexuality. But Tamar, a widow without children, poses as a whore and solicits her own father-in-law-so that he could "come into" her. Her desire to ameliorate her childlessness trumps the prohibition against prostitution. And there are a lot of examples like these but at present most things are interpreted in the simplifier way that seem to be easy to understand but often makes people's life harder if they want to follow Christian rules shared by the Church.
What to think about the Bible’s attitude to pornography?
Taking into consideration the Church interpretations, pornography is a sin because it’s sexual immorality. But some things may be explained sometimes as the Old Testament shows.
What can we advise you? You should interpret it the way you feel. But FAPdistrict follows the Old Testament attitude more - we are sexual beings and we need sex or masturbation to feel good and natural. So even if the Bible says that porn is forbidden, we think that life without any sexual activity is boring and unhealthy and everybody has the right to feel sexual satisfaction. And that's this bigger good that is explained as allowed according to the Old Testament.